And my husband knows it.
An elegant man and avant-garde, who integrated his house into the surrounding desert, lived in a glass box with a huge piece of rock couldn’t be sexier.
The ‘petit Américain’, as Le Corbusier referred to him, was a Swiss,
modernist and minimalist architect, and the visionary of Palm Springs.
His architecture is as complex as him. This tiny gem, as compact as a ship was his main residence.
The stunning yellow curtains echo the blooming Encelia** (desert wildflower) in Spring, adjacent to the house. And the turquoise blue formica of the cabinet and ceiling reflect the blue sky beyond.
Frey, a nudist, also installed a Swiss Cow’s bell outside his residence for his guests to let him know upon arrival, so he could get dressed.
It was night that Frey enjoyed most:
“watching the lights below, you don’t feel like you are alone at all”.